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Is it der, die or das Barbarei?



The correct article in German of Barbarei is die. So it is die Barbarei! (nominative case)

The word Barbarei is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Barbarei?

How does the declension of Barbarei work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Barbarei die Barbareien
Genitive der Barbarei der Barbareien
Dative der Barbarei den Barbareien
Akkusative die Barbarei die Barbareien

What is the meaning of Barbarei in German?

Barbarei has various definitions in German:

[1] Unbridled rawness, vandalism

[1] ungezügelte Rohheit, Vandalismus

[2] Condition of uncivilized and the non -presence of culture

[2] Zustand der Unzivilisiertheit und des Nichtvorhandenseins von Kultur

How to use Barbarei in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Barbarei with translations in English.

[1] Die Behandlung der Gefangenen erwies sich als reine Barbarei.

[1] The treatment of the prisoners turned out to be a pure barbaria

[1] „Ich fing an zu begreifen, weshalb die Angst, es könne zu einem Rückfall in die Barbarei kommen, viele Menschen zeitlebens begleitete.“

[1] "I started to understand, which is why the fear that there could be a relapse to barbarism, many people accompanied by all times" "

[1] „Bis dahin hatte Nikolai das Regime nur mit vagem Widerwillen betrachtet; nun erkannte er dessen archaische Barbarei in ihrem ganzen grauenvollen Ausmaß.“

[1] "Until then, Nikolai had only viewed the regime with vagema.

[1] „Leopolds System stellt längst jene Barbarei der Sklaverei in den Schatten, zu deren Beseitigung es vorgeblich eingerichtet worden ist.“

[1] "Leopold's system has long since put the barbarism of slavery in the shade, for which it has been eliminated"

[2] „Der gesellschaftlich akzeptierte und etablierte Kannibalismus, also die Barbarei erscheint als codierte Darstellung des »Dritten Reiches«.“

[2] "The socially accepted and established cannibalism, i.e. barbarism appears as a coded representation of the" Third Reich "Ä"

[2] „Weskott fand das empörend, als eine kulturelle Barbarei schlimmsten Ausmaßes, die er nicht hinzunehmen bereit war.“

[2] "Weskott found the outrageous, as a cultural barbarism worst size that he was not ready to accept"