Is it der, die or das Regime?
The correct article in German of Regime is das. So it is das Regime! (nominative case)
The word Regime is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Regime?
How does the declension of Regime work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | das Regime | die Regime | die Regimes |
Genitive | des Regimes | der Regime | der Regimes |
Dative | dem Regime | den Regimen | den Regimes |
Akkusative | das Regime | die Regime | die Regimes |
What is the meaning of Regime in German?
Regime has various definitions in German:
[1] mostly pejorative: non -democratically legitimized form of the government of a state
[1] meist abwertend: nicht demokratisch legitimierte Form der Regierung eines Staates[2] Outdated, usually only in compositions: control/management/organization of a area of responsibility
[2] veraltet, meist nur noch in Zusammensetzungen: Steuerung/Leitung/Organisation eines AufgabenbereichsHow to use Regime in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Regime with translations in English.
[1] In vielen Staaten herrschen üble Regimes.
[1] In many countries there are bad regimese[1] „Auch ihn schmerze es sehr, klagt Gaddafi, das Regime seines Freundes Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fallen und Tunesien in Angst und Unsicherheit versinken zu sehen.“
[1] "It also hurts him very much, complains Gaddafi, the regime of his friend Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali falls and sink into fear and uncertainty to see"[1] „Meine Mutter war nicht nur im Kommunismus aufgewachsen, sie lebte ihr ganzes Leben unter seinem Regime.“
[1] "My mother was not only grew up in communism, she lived her whole life under his regime far"[1] „Ebenso hätten viele in diesem Regime den einzigen Schutz gegen den drohenden Sozialismus gesehen.“
[1] "Likewise, many in this regime would have seen the only protection against impending socialism"[1] „Bis dahin hatte Nikolai das Regime nur mit vagem Widerwillen betrachtet; nun erkannte er dessen archaische Barbarei in ihrem ganzen grauenvollen Ausmaß.“
[1] "Until then, Nikolai had only viewed the regime with vagema.[1] [Türkei:] […] „das Erdogan-Regime hat verboten, dass wir im Geschäft alkoholische Getränke kaufen, um sie zu Hause zu trinken!“
[1] [Turkey:] […] "The Erdogan regime has banned that we buy alcoholic beverages in the shop to drink them at home"[2] „An Hand unterschiedlichster Quellen wird untersucht, inwieweit das finanzzentrierte Wachstumsregime des Millenniumswechsels als kompatibles Regime eines informationalen Entwicklungsmodus und damit als Nachfolgekonstellation des Fordismus zu verstehen ist.“
[2] "Using a wide variety of sources, it is examined to what extent the financial -centered growth regime of the Millennium change is to be understood as a compatible regime of an informational development mode and thus as a successor constellation of Fordism"