Is it der, die or das Privatlehrer?
The correct article in German of Privatlehrer is der. So it is der Privatlehrer! (nominative case)
The word Privatlehrer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Privatlehrer?
How does the declension of Privatlehrer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Privatlehrer | die Privatlehrer |
Genitive | des Privatlehrers | der Privatlehrer |
Dative | dem Privatlehrer | den Privatlehrern |
Akkusative | den Privatlehrer | die Privatlehrer |
What is the meaning of Privatlehrer in German?
Privatlehrer is defined as:
[1] Teacher who is not employed privately, that is, as an employee/civil servant at a school
[1] Lehrer, der privat, das heißt nicht als Angestellter/Beamter an einer Schule beschäftigt wirdHow to use Privatlehrer in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Privatlehrer with translations in English.
[1] „Der Stadtschreiber war also neben seinem Hauptamt zugleich als Privatlehrer tätig und betrieb in seinem Hause eine eigene kleine Schule: eine ›Schreiberschule‹ oder ›Schreibschule‹.“
[1] "In addition to his main office, the city clerk worked as a private teacher and operated his own small school in his home: a› writing school ‹or› writing school ‹ease"[1] „Als Privatlehrer lebte er von 1629 bis 1631 in Paris; dort bekam er rein zufällig Euklids Elemente in die Hand und war von dem Werk fasziniert.“
[1] "As a private teacher, from 1629 to 1631 he lived there in Parisania there by accident he accidentally gave Euclid's elements and was fascinated by the work" "[1] „Wiewohl er seinen Lebensunterhalt als Privatlehrer selbst verdienen musste, brachte er die ersten beiden Studienjahre mit Bravour hinter sich.“
[1] "Although he had to make a living as a private teacher himself, he brought the first two years of study with flying colors" behind him "