Is it der, die or das Pianist?
The correct article in German of Pianist is der. So it is der Pianist! (nominative case)
The word Pianist is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Pianist?
How does the declension of Pianist work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Pianist | die Pianisten |
Genitive | des Pianisten | der Pianisten |
Dative | dem Pianisten | den Pianisten |
Akkusative | den Pianisten | die Pianisten |
What is the meaning of Pianist in German?
Pianist is defined as:
[1] Person who plays (professionally) piano
[1] Person, die (beruflich) Klavier spieltHow to use Pianist in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Pianist with translations in English.
[1] Władysław Szpilman war ein polnischer Pianist.
[1] Władysław Szpilman was a Polish pianiste[1] „Alf Bertini hatte nach dem mißglückten nautischen Intermezzo verbittert zur Musik zurückgefunden, wenn auch nur als Pianist in Kaffeehaus-Ensembles, meist am Steindamm.“
[1] "Alf Bertini had found it back to music after the misleaded nautical intermezzo, if only as a pianist in a coffee house ensembles, mostly on the Steindammä"[1] „Ich habe nämlich in ihren Augen wie ein Pianist ausgesehen, ja, genau, ich habe auf sie den Eindruck eines Pianisten gemacht.“
[1] "I looked like a pianist in her eyes, yes, exactly, I got the impression of a pianist on her"[1] „Gershwin hatte als junger Pianist in der Tin Pan Alley, der 28th Street zwischen der Fifth und Sixth Avenue, seinen ersten festen Job bestritten.“
[1] "Gershwin, as a young pianist in Tin Pan Alley, the 28th Street between the Fifth and Sixth Avenue, had his first permanent job"[1] „Der Präsident hatte ein paar Abende zuvor eingeladen und zur Unterhaltung seiner Gäste einen Pianisten und eine Geigerin auftreten lassen.“
[1] "The President had invited a few evenings before and had a pianist and a violinist to entertain his guests"Pictures or photos of Pianist
![[1] Pianist](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Alberto_Guerrero.jpg)