Is it der, die or das Panik?
The correct article in German of Panik is die. So it is die Panik! (nominative case)
The word Panik is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Panik?
How does the declension of Panik work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Panik | die Paniken |
Genitive | der Panik | der Paniken |
Dative | der Panik | den Paniken |
Akkusative | die Panik | die Paniken |
What is the meaning of Panik in German?
Panik has various definitions in German:
[1] Suddenly occurring horror, suddenly emerging fear, difficult to control, controllable, controllable, fear and horror in the group dynamics and interaction, possibly pathological condition of the psyche
[1] plötzlich auftretender Schrecken, plötzlich aufkommende Angst, schwer beherrschbarer, kontrollierbarer, von Angst und Schrecken geprägter Zustand in der Gruppendynamik und Interaktion, unter Umständen krankhafter Zustand der Psyche[2] Colloquially: astonishing, hustle and bustle, criticism, stress
[2] umgangssprachlich: Aufsehen, Hektik, Kritik, StressHow to use Panik in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Panik with translations in English.
[1] Panik lässt sich kaum kontrollieren.
[1] Panic can hardly be controlled[1] „Ich geriet immer mehr in Panik, schrie lautstark und hüpfte wie eine wild gewordene Kakerlake im Bach herum.“
[1] "I was increasingly in panic, shouted loudly and hopped around like a wild cockroach in the stream"[1] „Inzwischen war ich einer Panik nahe.“
[1] "In the meantime I was a panic of"[1] „Die Mutter geriet bei allem erst in Panik und dann ins Flachwasser.“
[1] "The mother only panicked and then into the flat water."[1] „Eine weiße, vollständig gefühllose Panik setzte alles außer Kraft.“
[1] "A white, completely insensitive panic put everything out of force"[2] Mach mal keine Panik!
[2] Do not panic[2] „Wenn Sie morgens aus Versehen ohne Ihr Handy aus dem Haus gehen (was Sie in den ersten 20, 30 oder 40 Jahren immer getan haben), geraten Sie in Panik und kehren um.“
[2] "If you accidentally go out of the house in the morning (which you have always done in the first 20, 30 or 40 years), you will panic and turn"