Is it der, die or das Nerv?

The correct article in German of Nerv is der. So it is der Nerv! (nominative case)
The word Nerv is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The Singular 2 is subject to technical language (medicine, biology)
German declension of Nerv?
How does the declension of Nerv work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural |
Nominative | der Nerv | der Nerv | die Nerven |
Genitive | des Nervs des Nerves | des Nerven | der Nerven |
Dative | dem Nerv dem Nerve | dem Nerven | den Nerven |
Akkusative | den Nerv | den Nerven | die Nerven |
What is the meaning of Nerv in German?
Nerv has various definitions in German:
[1] Anatomy: bundle from continuations of nerve cells outside the central nervous system
[1] Anatomie: Bündel aus Fortsätzen von Nervenzellen außerhalb des Zentralnervensystems[2] mostly in the plural: the psychological constitution, the nervous costume
[2] meist im Plural: die psychische Verfassung, das NervenkostümHow to use Nerv in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Nerv with translations in English.
[1] Ein Bandscheibenvorfall kann Nerven einengen.
[1] A herniated disc can be nervous[1] „Vermutlich waren die Nerven die Ursache für diese Bewegung.“
[1] "Probably the nerves were the cause of this movement"[2] Die Situation geht mir zunehmen auf die Nerven.
[2] The situation is increasing to my nervous[2] Wer schlechte Nerven hat, braucht in diesem Beruf gar nicht erst anzufangen.
[2] Anyone who has bad nerves does not even need to start in this profession[2] „Im Zustand des Archivars machte sich eine zunehmende Gereiztheit der Nerven bemerkbar.“
[2] "In the state of the archivist, an increasing irritability of the nerves became noticeable"