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Is it der, die or das Mundart?



The correct article in German of Mundart is die. So it is die Mundart! (nominative case)

The word Mundart is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Mundart?

How does the declension of Mundart work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Mundart die Mundarten
Genitive der Mundart der Mundarten
Dative der Mundart den Mundarten
Akkusative die Mundart die Mundarten

What is the meaning of Mundart in German?

Mundart is defined as:

[1] Linguistics: German equivalent for dialectus or dialecting regionally limited variety of a language

[1] Linguistik: deutsche Entsprechung für dialectus beziehungsweise Dialekt; regional begrenzte Varietät einer Sprache

How to use Mundart in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Mundart with translations in English.

[1] Rheinländer, Bayern und Sachsen sprachen alle in ihrer regionalen Mundart.

[1] Rheinländer, Bavaria and Saxony all spoke in their regional dialect

[1] „Zum Glück wird in Deutschland sehr viel Mundart und mundartlich gefärbtes Hochdeutsch gesprochen.“

[1] Fortunately, a lot of dialect and dialect colored High German is spoken in Germany "

[1] „Die positive Betonung des Alters der Dialekte ist, schlagwortartig gesagt, eine ›romantische‹ Erkenntnis, die sich gegen eine frühere Auffassung wandte, welche in den Mundarten mehr oder weniger verderbte Hochsprache sah.“

[1] "The positive emphasis on the age of the dialects is, to put it in a keyword, a" romantic "knowledge that turned against an earlier view, which in the dialects more or less spoiled high language"

[1] „Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie viele jiddische Einsprengsel sich in allen deutschen Mundarten finden lassen.“

[1] "It is astonishing how many Yiddish impacts can be found in all German dialects"

[1] „Die Namen der Mundarten sind hergeleitet von alten Landesnamen und von Volksstämmen, die in diesen Regionen leben oder lebten.“

[1] "The names of the dialects are derived from old state names and of people who live in these regions or live" "