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Is it der, die oder das Kürbis?


The correct article in German of Kürbis is der. So it is der Kürbis! (nominative case)

The word Kürbis is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Finding the right gender of a noun

German articles are used similarly to the English articles,a and the. However, they are declined differently (change) according to the number, gender and case of their nouns.

In the German language, the gender and therefore article is fixed for each noun.

Test your knowledge!

Choose the correct article.





The most difficult part of learning the German language is the articles (der, die, das) or rather the gender of each noun. The gender of each noun in German has no simple rule. In fact, it can even seem illogical. For example das Mädchen, a young girl is neutral while der Junge, a young boy is male.

It is a good idea to learn the correct article for each new word together - even if it means a lot of work. For example learning "der Hund" (the dog) rather than just Hund by itself. Fortunately, there are some rules about gender in German that make things a little easier. It might be even nicer if these rules didn't have exceptions - but you can't have everything! The best way to learn them is with the App - Der-Die-Das Train! (available for iOS and Android)

German nouns belong either to the gender masculine (male, standard gender) with the definite article der, to the feminine (feminine) with the definite article die, or to the neuter (neuter) with the definite article das.

  • for masculine: points of the compass, weather (Osten, Monsun, Sturm; however it is: das Gewitter), liquor/spirits (Wodka, Wein, Kognak), minerals, rocks (Marmor, Quarz, Granit, Diamant);

  • for feminine: ships and airplanes (die Deutschland, die Boeing; however it is: der Airbus), cigarette brands (Camel, Marlboro), many tree and plant species (Eiche, Pappel, Kiefer; aber: der Flieder), numbers (Eins, Million; however it is: das Dutzend), most inland rivers (Elbe, Oder, Donau; aber: der Rhein);

  • for neutrals: cafes, hotels, cinemas (das Mariott, das Cinemaxx), chemical elements (Helium, Arsen; however it is: der Schwefel, masculine elements have the suffix -stoff), letters, notes, languages and colors (das Orange, das A, das Englische), certain brand names for detergents and cleaning products (Ariel, Persil), continents, countries (die artikellosen: (das alte) Europa; however exceptions include: der Libanon, die Schweiz …).

German declension of Kürbis?

How does the declension of Kürbis work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Kürbis die Kürbisse
Genitive des Kürbisses der Kürbisse
Dative dem Kürbis dem Kürbisse den Kürbissen
Akkusative den Kürbis die Kürbisse

What is the meaning of Kürbis in German?

Kürbis has various definitions in German:

[1] (from the tropics of America) one -year, creeping or ranking plant with large, lobed leaves, large, funnel -shaped yellow flowers and sometimes very large, thick, mostly spherical, juice, yellow or orange fruits

[1] (aus den Tropen Amerikas stammende) einjährige, kriechende oder rankende Pflanze mit großen, gelappten Blättern, großen, trichterförmigen gelben Blüten und teils sehr großen, dicken, zumeist kugelförmigen, saftreichen, gelben oder orangefarbenen Früchten

[2] The fruit of the plants described under [1]

[2] zu den Beeren zählende Frucht der unter [1] beschriebenen Pflanze

How to use Kürbis in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Kürbis with translations in English.

[1] Wir bauen hier Kürbisse an.

[1] We are building pumpkins here

[1] „Am Ende des Gartens, wo die großen Blätter der Kürbisse auf dem Rasen liegen wie grüne Wäschestücke, befindet sich eine kleine Weide, die Gartenkoppel.“[7]

[1] "At the end of the garden, where the large leaves of the pumpkins lie on the lawn like green laundry pieces, there is a small pasture, the garden coupling" [7]

[1] „Am dritten oder vierten Morgen, als wir wie üblich frühstückten, begafft von lauter Maya-Kindern, die übrigens nicht betteln, sondern einfach vor unserem Tisch stehen und von Zeit zu Zeit lachen, war Herbert von der fixen Idee besessen, es müßte irgendwo in diesem Hühnerdorf, wenn man es gründlich untersuchte, irgendeinen Jeep geben - irgendwo hinter einer Hütte, irgendwo im Dickicht von Kürbis und Bananen und Mais.“[8]

[1] “On the third or fourth morning, when we had breakfast, as usual, of Lauter Maya children who, by the way, do not beg, but simply stand in front of our table and laugh from time to time, Herbert was obsessed with the fixed idea, it was Somewhere in this chicken village, if you examined it thoroughly, would have to give some jeep - somewhere behind a hut, somewhere in the thicket of pumpkin and banana and corn “[8]

[2] Der größte Kürbis der Welt wog mehr als 782 Kilogramm.

[2] The largest pumpkin in the world weighed more than 782 kilograms

[2] „Fett war das Essen, dann süß, wieder fett, Kartoffelschnaps, Bier, eine Gans und ein Ferkel, Kuchen mit Wurst, Kürbis in Essig und Zucker, Rote Grütze mit saurer Sahne, gegen Abend etwas Wind durch die offene Scheune, Mäuse raschelten, auch die Bronskikinder, die mit den Gören der Nachbarschaft den Hof eroberten.“[9]

[2] "Fat was the food, then sweet, again fat, potato schnapps, beer, a goose and a piglet, cake with sausage, pumpkin in vinegar and sugar, red groats with sour cream, in the evening some wind through the open barn, Mice rustled, also the bronskic children who conquered the courtyard with the bronschairs of the neighborhood ”[9]

[2] „Sie hatte den Kürbis, den die Mutter ihr aufgedrängt hatte, auf dem Flughafen von Lagos entsorgt.“[10]

[2] "She had disposed of the pumpkin that the mother had pushed her up at the Lagos Airport" [10]

[2] figurativ: „Am Horizont hing Sommerdunst. die Sonne schwebte wie ein Kürbis aus Feuer hinter der großen Hofkastanie, da rollte ein Auto in den Hof der Neuen Bauerngemeinschaft.“[11]

[2] Figurative: "The sun hovered on the horizon on the horizon like a pumpkin from fire behind the large court chestnut, a car rolled into the courtyard of the new farm community." [11]

[2] figurativ: „Sein Schädel war wie ein Kürbis in die Länge gezogen, und der Hinterkopf wölbte sich grotesk heraus.“[12]

[2] Figurative: "His skull was pulled in length like a pumpkin, and the back of the head bulged out grotesque" [12]

[3] „Wenn Sie mir in den nächſten vierzehn Tagen noch einmal unter die Augen kommen, dann ſchlage ich Ihnen den Kürbis zu Brei zuſammen.“[13]

[3] "If you come back to my eyes in the next fourteen days, then I will add you the pumpkin to Brei" [13]

[3] „Ein junger Mensch, auf dessen kurzem, dünnem Hals statt eines Kopfes ein verquollener Kürbis hin und her pendelt, steht von seinem Bett auf, schlürft mit schlenkernden Schritten auf mich zu, bleibt stehen, verbeugt sich feierlich dreimal, wendet sich, geht wieder zu seinem Bett und wiederholt die Zeremonie alle Viertelstunde.“[14]

[3] “A young person on whose short, thin neck instead of a head a swollen pumpkin swings back and forth, gets up from his bed, slurows with floating steps towards me, stops standing, there is a ceremonial bow, turns, turns, Go back to his bed and repeat the ceremony every quarter of an hour ”[14]

[3] „Oder einer sagt zu mir: ‚Mensch, Bengel, nimm deinen Kürbis zurück, sonst haste ’ne Glatze!‘“[15]

[3] "Or one says to me: 'Man, Bengel, take your pumpkin back, otherwise you have a balded ceavet" [15]



[5] „Wer glaubſt denn du zu ſeyn,

[5] "Who thinks you too

Daß du mich ſchelten willſt, du Kürbiß?“[16]

That you want to gnaw me, you Kurbißäne ”[16]

How do you pronounce Kürbis?


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