Is it der, die or das Kontrahent?
The correct article in German of Kontrahent is der. So it is der Kontrahent! (nominative case)
The word Kontrahent is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Kontrahent?
How does the declension of Kontrahent work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Kontrahent | die Kontrahenten |
Genitive | des Kontrahenten | der Kontrahenten |
Dative | dem Kontrahenten | den Kontrahenten |
Akkusative | den Kontrahenten | die Kontrahenten |
What is the meaning of Kontrahent in German?
Kontrahent has various definitions in German:
[1] Someone who against someone who has an opponent in a competition or conflict situation against someone
[1] jemand, der gegen jemanden antritt; ein Gegner in einer Wettkampf- oder Konfliktsituation[2] Contract partner
[2] VertragspartnerHow to use Kontrahent in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kontrahent with translations in English.
[1] Die Kontrahenten haben den Ring betreten und starren sich entschlossen an.
[1] The opponents have entered the ring and stare off decidedly[1] „Allfälliger Kontrahent und eventueller Partner der Donaumonarchie in ihrer Balkanpolitik war in erster Linie das Zarenreich.“
[1] "Any opponent and possible partner of the Danube monarchy in their Balkan policy was primarily the Tsarist Reich" "[1] „Seine Ehe konnte er kitten, den Rest nicht: 1804 starb er, nachdem er sich am Hudson River mit einem seiner langjährigen Kontrahenten duelliert hatte.“
[1] "He could not do his marriage, the rest: in 1804 he died after having dueled at the Hudson River with one of his long -time opponents"[2] „Der Kontrahent (von lat. con-trahere „zusammenziehen, vereinigen, bewirken“) ist eine Person, die einen Vertrag (Kontrakt) abschließt.“
[2] "The opponent (from LATE CON-TRAHER" Merging, uniting, bringing ") is a person who concludes a contract (contract)."[2] „Der Offenlegungsgrundsatz verlangt nicht die Nennung des Namens des Geschäftsherrn durch den Vertreter; es genügt, wenn sich der dritte Kontrahent jederzeit danach erkundigen oder darüber informieren kann.“
[2] "The principle of disclosure does not require the naming of the business owner by the representative if the third opponent can inquire at any time or inform about it"