Is it der, die or das Koalition?
The correct article in German of Koalition is die. So it is die Koalition! (nominative case)
The word Koalition is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Koalition?
How does the declension of Koalition work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Koalition | die Koalitionen |
Genitive | der Koalition | der Koalitionen |
Dative | der Koalition | den Koalitionen |
Akkusative | die Koalition | die Koalitionen |
What is the meaning of Koalition in German?
Koalition is defined as:
[1] An alliance or merger of several organizations, states or parties to enforce certain goals
[1] ein Bündnis oder Zusammenschluss mehrerer Organisationen, Staaten oder Parteien zur Durchsetzung bestimmter ZieleHow to use Koalition in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Koalition with translations in English.
[1] In der Politik kommt es oft zu Koalitionen, da eine Partei allein zumeist keine Mehrheit bilden kann.
[1] Coalitions often occur in politics, since a party alone cannot form a majority alone[1] „Nach den Landtagswahlen vom Sonntag werden die Stromkonzerne und die Atomfreunde in der Koalition aus allen Rohren schießen (…).“
[1] "After the state elections on Sunday, the electricity companies and the nuclear fans will shoot out of all pipes in the coalition (...).[1] „Die Ostverträge der sozialliberalen Koalition empfinden die vergessenen Deutschen als Enttäuschung.“
[1] "The forgotten Germans perceive the eastern contracts of the social liberal coalition"[1] „Freiwillig wollten sich die Britannier der angelsächsischen Koalition nicht unterwerfen.“
[1] "Voluntarily, the Britorns of the Anglo -Saxon coalition did not want to submit"