Is it der, die or das Kaste?
The correct article in German of Kaste is die. So it is die Kaste! (nominative case)
The word Kaste is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Kaste?
How does the declension of Kaste work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Kaste | die Kasten |
Genitive | der Kaste | der Kasten |
Dative | der Kaste | den Kasten |
Akkusative | die Kaste | die Kasten |
What is the meaning of Kaste in German?
Kaste is defined as:
[1] Sociology, ethnology: closed social class within a (especially the Hindu) social order
[1] Soziologie, Völkerkunde: geschlossene Gesellschaftsschicht innerhalb einer (insbesondere der hinduistischen) GesellschaftsordnungHow to use Kaste in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kaste with translations in English.
[1] „Das Kastensystem im Hinduismus ist unterteilt in vier Kasten: Brahmanen (sie studieren die heiligen Schriften der Veden), Kshatriyas (Kriegerkaste), Vaishyas (Kaste der Händler und Hirten) und Shudras (dienende Kaste).“
[1] "The box system in Hinduism is divided into four boxes: Brahminen (they study the Holy Writings of the Vedas), Kshatriyas (warrior caste), Vaishyas (caste of the dealers and shepherds) and Shudra's (serving caste)"[1] „Sie riskierten, aus ihrer Kaste ausgestoßen zu werden.“
[1] "They risked being expelled from their caste"[1] „Es ist eine kleine Kaste von Kongolesen, die genau so leben wollen wie die Kolonialherren.“
[1] "It is a small caste of Congolese who want to live exactly as the colonial lord"[1] „Bertram Rickmers also steht für den Aufstieg und den Fall einer mächtigen Kaste.“
[1] "Bertram Rickmers therefore stands for the promotion and the case of a mighty Kasteä"