Is it der, die or das Kakao?

The correct article in German of Kakao is der. So it is der Kakao! (nominative case)
The word Kakao is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Kakao?
How does the declension of Kakao work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Kakao | die Kakaos |
Genitive | des Kakaos | der Kakaos |
Dative | dem Kakao | den Kakaos |
Akkusative | den Kakao | die Kakaos |
What is the meaning of Kakao in German?
Kakao has various definitions in German:
[1] Seeds of the cocoa tree
[1] Samen des Kakaobaums[2] Powder from the fermented, dried seeds of the cocoa tree
[2] Pulver aus dem fermentierten, getrockneten Samen des Kakaobaums[3] Drink made with cocoa [2]
[3] mit Kakao [2] hergestelltes GetränkHow to use Kakao in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Kakao with translations in English.
[1] Die Preise für Kakao haben gestern ihre Richtung gewechselt und sind vor dem Hintergrund zahlreicher Short-Eindeckungen gestern in der Spitze um 5,9% auf 2.322 Dollar pro Tonne gestiegen.
[1] Cocoa prices changed direction yesterday and rose by 5.9% to $ 2,322 per ton against the background of numerous short coverings yesterday.[2] Hier gibt es die besten Tiramisu Rezepte mit Kakao.
[2] Here you can find the best tiramisu recipes with cocoa.[2] „Von Mauritius schafften Händler Gewürznelken und Kakao herbei, und alles gedieh prächtig.“[4]
[2] "Merchants brought cloves and cocoa from Mauritius, and everything prospered splendidly" [4][2] „So etwas hat es bei uns schon lange nicht mehr gegeben; der Kakao stammt wohl aus Rot-Kreuz-Paketen für die Kriegsgefangenen.“[5]
[2] "We haven't seen anything like this for a long time. The cocoa probably comes from Red Cross packages for prisoners of war."[3] Ich trinke jeden Morgen Kakao.
[3] I drink cocoa. every morning