Is it der, die or das Jet?
The correct article in German of Jet is der. So it is der Jet! (nominative case)
The word Jet is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Jet?
How does the declension of Jet work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Jet | die Jets |
Genitive | des Jets | der Jets |
Dative | dem Jet | den Jets |
Akkusative | den Jet | die Jets |
What is the meaning of Jet in German?
Jet is defined as:
[1] Aviation: aircraft with a jet engine
[1] Luftfahrt: Flugzeug mit StrahltriebwerkHow to use Jet in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Jet with translations in English.
[1] Sie flogen Kurzstrecken mit einem Jet.
[1] They flew short routes with a Jetä[1] „In zwei Jahren solle die Wiener Basis auf 14 bis 15 Mittelstrecken-Flieger und in fünf Jahren auf 30 Jets wachsen, sagte IAG-Chef Willie Walsh am Dienstag zum Start der neuen Billigfluglinie mit zunächst vier Flugzeugen.“
[1] "In two years, the Viennese base should grow on 14 to 15 medium-range pilots and in five years on 30 jets, IAG boss Willie Walsh said on Tuesday at the start of the new low-cost airline with initially four aircraft"[1] „Bei Jane’s geht man von etwa 370 Jets aus, von denen nur ein Teil jederzeit flugfähig ist.“
[1] "At Jane’s you start from about 370 jets, of which only part of which is able to fly at any time"