Is it der, die or das Interpretation?
The correct article in German of Interpretation is die. So it is die Interpretation! (nominative case)
The word Interpretation is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Interpretation?
How does the declension of Interpretation work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Interpretation | die Interpretationen |
Genitive | der Interpretation | der Interpretationen |
Dative | der Interpretation | den Interpretationen |
Akkusative | die Interpretation | die Interpretationen |
What is the meaning of Interpretation in German?
Interpretation has various definitions in German:
[1] Attempt to open up the meaning that is in a spiritual product (artwork, text)
[1] Versuch, die Bedeutung zu erschließen, die in einem geistigen Produkt (Kunstwerk, Text) steckt[2] Attempt to open up the sense inherent in a matter
[2] Versuch, den einem Sachverhalt innewohnenden Sinn zu erschließenHow to use Interpretation in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Interpretation with translations in English.
[1] Die Interpretation von Gedichten macht oft große Probleme.
[1] The interpretation of poems often causes major problems[1] „Das abenteuerliche Spiel der Interpretationen kann damit erneut beginnen.“
[1] "The adventurous game of the interpretations can start again"[1] „Eine eindeutige Interpretation dürfte es nicht geben.“
[1] "There should be no clear interpretation"[2] Auch natürliche Prozesse oder Sachverhalte bedürfen einer Interpretation.
[2] Natural processes or facts also require an interpretation[1, 2] „Eine tiefsinnige, sehr «deutsche» Interpretation, weil sie von einem tiefen, wissenden Textverständnis geprägt ist.“
[1, 2] "A profound, very" German "interpretation because it is characterized by a deep, knowing understanding of text"[2] „Die Archäologen arbeiteten bei der Erforschung und Interpretation der Funde mit zahlreichen Kollegen aus Nachbardisziplinen zusammen.“
[2] "The archaeologists worked together with numerous colleagues from neighboring disciplines in the research and interpretation of the finds"