Is it der, die or das Hugo?
The correct article in German of Hugo is der. So it is der Hugo! (nominative case)
The word Hugo is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 1
German declension of Hugo?
How does the declension of Hugo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Hugo | die Hugos |
Genitive | des Hugos | der Hugos |
Dative | dem Hugo | den Hugos |
Akkusative | den Hugo | die Hugos |
What is the meaning of Hugo in German?
Hugo is defined as:
[1] Gastronomy: Prosecco drink, syrup of elderflower or lemon balm and soda/mineral water, garnished with mint leaves
[1] Gastronomie: Getränk aus Prosecco, Sirup von Holunderblüten oder Zitronenmelisse und Soda-/Mineralwasser, garniert mit MinzblättchenHow to use Hugo in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Hugo with translations in English.
[1] „Als ich Anfang voriger Woche auf Mallorca, wo man sich mit derlei ja wohl auskennen müsste, stoisch »so was wie Spritz, aber mal was Neues« bestellt habe, empfahl der Kellner einen Hugo. Wie süß. Wann hatte dieses Getränk noch mal versucht, den Spritz abzulösen? 2010?“
[1] "When I had to know how to know about such a splash, but something new", when I had to know about such yes, the waiter recommended a hugoe how sweet. When had this drink tried to break down the spray in 2010? "Is it der, die or das Hugo?
The correct article in German of Hugo is der. So it is der Hugo! (nominative case)
The word Hugo is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Hugo?
How does the declension of Hugo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural | ||||
Nominative | (der) Hugo | die Hugos | ||||
Genitive | (des Hugo) (des Hugos) Hugos | der Hugos | ||||
Dative | (dem) Hugo | den Hugos | ||||
Akkusative | (den) Hugo | die Hugos | ||||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Hugo in German?
Hugo is defined as:
[1] male first name
[1] männlicher VornameHow to use Hugo in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Hugo with translations in English.
[1] Der dicke Hugo muss zur Schlankheitskur.
[1] The thick Hugo has to go to the slimming[1] Onkel Hugos Dackel Waldi ist ausgebüxt.
[1] Uncle Hugos Dachshund Waldi is driven[1] „Er stand auf, ließ Hugo und mich im Arbeitszimmer zurück und ging ins Wohnzimmer, wo er sich einen Whiskey aus der Hausbar einschenken würde, einen großen.“
[1] "He got up, left Hugo and me in the study and went into the living room, where he would pour a whiskey out of the domestic bar, a big man"Is it der, die or das Hugo?
The correct article in German of Hugo is der or die. So it is der or die Hugo! (nominative case)
The word Hugo is masculine or feminine, therefore the correct article is der or die.
The oral, colloquial use of the article for last names is not uniformly used to do not use an article, Central German is inconsistent, in southern German, Austrian and Swiss idioms the article tends to be needed. In the event of an article use: the "Hugo" - for male individuals who "Hugo" in the singular - for female individuals and/or a "Hugo" for a relative and/or a relative from the family " Hugo ”and/or the group of namesers. The one in the plural applies to the family and/or all name carriers of the same name. The written, standard language use for last names is in principle without an article.
Context 3
German declension of Hugo?
How does the declension of Hugo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular m | Singular f | Plural | |||
Nominative | der Hugo (Hugo) | die Hugo (Hugo) | die Hugos | |||
Genitive | des Hugo des Hugos Hugos | der Hugo (Hugo) | der Hugos | |||
Dative | dem Hugo (Hugo) | der Hugo (Hugo) | den Hugos | |||
Akkusative | den Hugo (Hugo) | die Hugo (Hugo) | die Hugos | |||
siehe auch: Grammatik der deutschen Namen |
What is the meaning of Hugo in German?
Hugo is defined as:
[1] German family name
[1] deutscher FamiliennameHow to use Hugo in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Hugo with translations in English.
[1] Der Hugo aus dem Nachbarhaus hat schon wieder auf dem Balkon gegrillt.
[1] The Hugo from the neighboring house has already grilled on the balcony[1] Die neuen Mieter, diese Hugos, sind nicht sehr hilfsbereit.
[1] The new tenants, these Hugos, are not very helpful[1] Die kleine Hugo ist vielleicht ein Frechdachs!
[1] Little Hugo may be a cheeky roof[1] He, Hugo, komm mal her!
[1] He, Hugo, comePictures or photos of Hugo
![[1] ein Hugo](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=15-09-26-RalfR-WLC-0059.jpg)