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Is it der, die or das Heldin?



The correct article in German of Heldin is die. So it is die Heldin! (nominative case)

The word Heldin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Heldin?

How does the declension of Heldin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Heldin die Heldinnen
Genitive der Heldin der Heldinnen
Dative der Heldin den Heldinnen
Akkusative die Heldin die Heldinnen

What is the meaning of Heldin in German?

Heldin has various definitions in German:

[1] Female person who works particularly courageously or successful for others or for a thing or is in use

[1] weibliche Person, die sich besonders mutig oder erfolgreich für andere oder für eine Sache einsetzt oder bei einem Einsatz umkommt

[2] Female main character of a story

[2] weibliche Hauptperson einer Geschichte

How to use Heldin in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Heldin with translations in English.

[1] Diese Heldin rettete ihre Frau und Kinder aus dem brennenden Haus.

[1] This heroine saved her wife and children from the burning homeland

[1] „Die Mütter waren in jenen Zeiten die stillen Heldinnen: immer müde, immer zerschlagen, aber von ungeheurer Zähigkeit und Energie und Einfallskraft.“

[1] "In those times, the mothers were the silent heroines: always tired, always smashed, but of tremendous toughness and energy and imaginative" "

[2] „Pippi Langstrumpf“ ist die Heldin der gleichnamigen Bücherreihe.

[2] "Pippi Longstocking" is the heroine of the book series of the same name

[2] „Dann brachte sie alle Müßiggänger auf den Weg nach San Giobbe, um die Geschichte von der Heldin selbst zu hören.“

[2] "Then she brought all the folders on the way to San Giobbe to hear the story of the heroine herself"