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Is it der, die or das Hauch?



The correct article in German of Hauch is der. So it is der Hauch! (nominative case)

The word Hauch is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The plural is relatively rare

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German declension of Hauch?

How does the declension of Hauch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Hauch die Hauche
Genitive des Hauchs des Hauches der Hauche
Dative dem Hauch dem Hauche den Hauchen
Akkusative den Hauch die Hauche

What is the meaning of Hauch in German?

Hauch has various definitions in German:

[1] Weak breath

[1] schwacher Atem

[2] Visible breath

[2] sichtbarer Atem

[3] Light draft

[3] leichter Luftzug

[4] thin layer

[4] dünne Schicht

[5] Light, weak appearance

[5] leichter, schwacher Anschein

[6] Low measure

[6] geringes Maß

How to use Hauch in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hauch with translations in English.

[1] Sein Atem war nur noch als Hauch wahrnehmbar.

[1] His breath was only perceived as a touch

[1] „Ich spüre den warmen aasigen Hauch aus seinen Nüstern.“

[1] "I feel the warm aasige touch from his nüsterne"

[2] Durch den Frost stand ihm ein deutlicher Hauch vor dem Mund.

[2] Due to the frost, he had a clear touch in front of the mouth

[3] Durch das Haus wehte ein leichter Hauch.

[3] A light touch blew through the house

[4] Auf dem Blech hatte sich ein Hauch von Kondenswasser gebildet.

[4] A touch of condensation had formed on the sheet

[5] Die Gesellschaft vermittelte einen Hauch von Exklusivität.

[5] Society conveyed a touch of exclusivity

[6] Er hatte nicht den Hauch einer Chance auf den Sieg.

[6] He had no chance of the victory

Pictures or photos of Hauch

[2] Hauch
[2] Hauch
[2] Hauch
[2] Hauch