Is it der, die or das Grippe?

The correct article in German of Grippe is die. So it is die Grippe! (nominative case)
The word Grippe is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Grippe?
How does the declension of Grippe work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Grippe | die Grippen |
Genitive | der Grippe | der Grippen |
Dative | der Grippe | den Grippen |
Akkusative | die Grippe | die Grippen |
What is the meaning of Grippe in German?
Grippe has various definitions in German:
[1] Medicine: Acute, feverish viral infection, mainly with inflammation of the respiratory tract, which occurs endemic, epidemic or pandemic and caused by the influenza virus
[1] Medizin: akute, fieberhafte Virusinfektion, vorwiegend mit Entzündung der Atemwege, welche endemisch, epidemisch oder pandemisch auftritt und durch das Influenzavirus verursacht wird[2] The flu infection caused by other viruses and is usually associated with headache and fever
[2] grippaler Infekt, der durch andere Viren verursacht wird und meist mit Kopfschmerzen und Fieber verbunden ist[3] Epidemic in which a lot of people fall ill with this viral infection
[3] Epidemie, bei der sehr viele Menschen an dieser Virusinfektion erkrankenHow to use Grippe in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Grippe with translations in English.
[1] Vor allem für ältere Menschen oder kleine Kinder kann eine Grippe gefährlich sein.
[1] Especially for older people or small children, a flu can be dangerous[1] „Am siebten Februar war die Temperatur auf minus einundzwanzig Grad gesunken, siebenunddreißig Berliner waren an der Grippe verstorben, Risse im Asphalt hatten den Verkehr lahmgelegt.“
[1] "On the seventh February, the temperature had dropped to minus twenty -one degrees, thirty -seven Berlin goods died on the flu, cracks in the asphalt had paralyzed the traffic"[2] Leider habe ich mir wieder eine Grippe eingefangen.
[2] Unfortunately I have captured a flu again[2] „Fei Sse berichtete ausführlich, er habe sich in der Hauptstadt eine Erkältung mit Grippe zugezogen gehabt.“
[2] "FEI SSE reported in detail that he had suffered a cold with flu in the capital"[3]