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Is it der, die or das Grafikkarte?



The correct article in German of Grafikkarte is die. So it is die Grafikkarte! (nominative case)

The word Grafikkarte is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Grafikkarte?

How does the declension of Grafikkarte work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Grafikkarte die Grafikkarten
Genitive der Grafikkarte der Grafikkarten
Dative der Grafikkarte den Grafikkarten
Akkusative die Grafikkarte die Grafikkarten

What is the meaning of Grafikkarte in German?

Grafikkarte is defined as:

[1] Information technology: Component of the personal computer to control the screen display

[1] Informationstechnik: Komponente des Personal Computers zur Steuerung der Bildschirmanzeige

How to use Grafikkarte in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Grafikkarte with translations in English.

[1] Viele der aktuellen Spiele setzen moderne 3D-fähige Grafikkarten voraus.

[1] Many of the current games require modern 3D-capable graphics cards

[1] Wenn der Monitor schwarz bleibt, kann das unter anderem an der Grafikkarte liegen.

[1] If the monitor remains black, this can be lying on the graphics card, among other things

[1] „Um sicherzugehen, dass es sich nicht nur um ein Problem mit einer einzelnen GPU handelt, haben sich die Forscher im weiteren Verlauf vier Exemplare der 3.500 Euro teuren Grafikkarte besorgt.“

[1] "To ensure that it is not just a problem with a single GPU, the researchers have taken care of four copies of the graphics card, which costs 3,500 euros."

[1] „Der Chiphersteller hat eine Grafikkarte vorgestellt, die den Betrieb von Virtual-Reality-Brillen deutlich günstiger machen soll.“

[1] "The chip manufacturer has presented a graphics card that should make the operation of virtual reality glasses much cheaper"

Pictures or photos of Grafikkarte

[1] eine Grafikkarte für den AGP-Bus
[1] eine Grafikkarte für den AGP-Bus