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Is it der, die or das Genre?



The correct article in German of Genre is das. So it is das Genre! (nominative case)

The word Genre is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Genre?

How does the declension of Genre work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Genre die Genres
Genitive des Genres der Genres
Dative dem Genre den Genres
Akkusative das Genre die Genres

What is the meaning of Genre in German?

Genre is defined as:

[1] Art direction in general (not stylistic) senses

[1] Kunstrichtung im allgemeinen (nicht stilistischen) Sinne

How to use Genre in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Genre with translations in English.

[1] Jazz, Rock und Pop sind musikalische Genres, Landschaft und Portrait sind Genres in der Malerei.

[1] Jazz, rock and pop are musical genres, landscape and portrait are genres in the painting

[1] Ich schaue gern Filme. — Welches Genre interessiert dich besonders?

[1] I like to watch films - which genre is particularly interested in you

[1] „Literatur dieses Genres spielt oftmals das gefährliche Spiel der Mythenbildung.“

[1] "Literature of this genre often plays the dangerous game of myth education" "

[1] „Das Büchlein hat das Genre der Reiseliteratur auf den Kopf gestellt.“

[1] "The booklet turned the genre of travel literature upside down"

[1] „Gedichte als literarisches Genre hatten ihn nie wirklich begeistern können.“

[1] "Poems as a literary genre had never really inspired him"

[1] „Die Sprache dieser Literatur war allerdings zum Teil erkennbar durch die Register und Stile der entsprechenden mittelhochdeutschen Genres geprägt.“

[1] "However, the language of this literature was partially recognizable by the registers and styles of the corresponding Middle High German genres"