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Is it der, die or das Gendarm?



The correct article in German of Gendarm is der. So it is der Gendarm! (nominative case)

The word Gendarm is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Gendarm?

How does the declension of Gendarm work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Gendarm die Gendarmen
Genitive des Gendarmen der Gendarmen
Dative dem Gendarmen den Gendarmen
Akkusative den Gendarmen die Gendarmen

What is the meaning of Gendarm in German?

Gendarm is defined as:

[1] formerly officially in Austria, still colloquially, otherwise outdated: policeman in the country

[1] früher in Österreich amtlich, noch umgangssprachlich, sonst veraltet: Polizist auf dem Land

How to use Gendarm in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Gendarm with translations in English.

[1] „Sobald die beiden entsetzlichen Menschen nach Lichtenfels kamen, wo ihn fast jedes Kind am Bahnhofe kannte und der Gendarm sich für seinen speziellen Freund hielt, war er verloren.“

[1] "As soon as the two horrific people came to Lichtenfels, where almost every child knew him at the train station and the gendarm thought he was his special friend, he was lost"

[1] „Der Gendarm verlangte, etwas lauter als zuvor, einen Paß.“

[1] "The gendarm asked, a little louder than before, a pass"

[1] „Die Vorposten meldeten mit einiger Verspätung, daß der Pfad von einem Zug berittener Gendarmen aus Reni blockiert wäre und sonst alles in Ordnung sei.“

[1] "The outposts reported with some delays that the path would be blocked by a train from a train from Reni and everything else is in order"

[1] „Nach ein paar Tagen kam ein Gendarm, durchstöberte alles und fand nichts.“

[1] "After a few days, a gendarm came, browsing everything and found nothing" "

[1] „Zu seinem Fluchtgrund befragt brachte er vor, dass manchmal ein Gendarm bei ihm in der Werkstatt vorbeigekommen sei und mit ihm geplaudert habe.“

[1] "Asked about his reason for escape, he said that sometimes a gendarm had passed in the workshop and chatted with him"