Is it der, die or das Gemahlin?
The correct article in German of Gemahlin is die. So it is die Gemahlin! (nominative case)
The word Gemahlin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Gemahlin?
How does the declension of Gemahlin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Gemahlin | die Gemahlinnen |
Genitive | der Gemahlin | der Gemahlinnen |
Dative | der Gemahlin | den Gemahlinnen |
Akkusative | die Gemahlin | die Gemahlinnen |
What is the meaning of Gemahlin in German?
Gemahlin is defined as:
[1] Lifted: female person with whom someone is married
[1] gehoben: weibliche Person, mit der jemand verheiratet istHow to use Gemahlin in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Gemahlin with translations in English.
[1] Grüßen Sie bitte Ihre Frau Gemahlin.
[1] Please greet your wife's wife[1] „Während dieses Gespräches erschien Dai-an mit der Meldung, die Gemahlin des benachbarten jüngeren Herrn Hwa habe durch Boten den Herrn zu einer Besprechung zu sich gebeten.“
[1] "During this conversation, Dai-an appeared with the report that the wife of the neighboring younger Mr. HWA had asked the Lord to meet the Lord"[1] „Die Gemahlin König Philipps V., die aus Parma stammte, hatte Intrigen gesponnen, die Brischi nötigten, den Hof zu verlassen, nachdem der Marqués de la Enseneda in Ungnade gefallen war.“
[1] "The wife of King Philipp's Vä, who came from Parma, had intrigue spun, the Brischi needed to leave the farm after the Marqués de la Enseneda had fallen in favor."