Is it der, die or das Geldbeutel?
The correct article in German of Geldbeutel is der. So it is der Geldbeutel! (nominative case)
The word Geldbeutel is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Geldbeutel?
How does the declension of Geldbeutel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Geldbeutel | die Geldbeutel |
Genitive | des Geldbeutels | der Geldbeutel |
Dative | dem Geldbeutel | den Geldbeuteln |
Akkusative | den Geldbeutel | die Geldbeutel |
What is the meaning of Geldbeutel in German?
Geldbeutel is defined as:
[1] Small bag or bag, which mainly keeps cash
[1] kleine Tasche oder Beutel, worin hauptsächlich Bargeld aufbewahrt wirdHow to use Geldbeutel in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Geldbeutel with translations in English.
[1] Er nahm das Geld aus dem Geldbeutel und bezahlte.
[1] He took the money out of his wallet and paid[1] „Ich kam dieser Aufforderung nicht nach, sondern warf den Geldbeutel zu Boden.“
[1] "I did not comply with this request, but threw my wallet to ground"[1] „Mit dieser Antwort ging Dai-an mit dem Geldbeutel hinaus.“
[1] "With this answer, Dai-an went out with the wallet"[1] „Pierre zog hastig seinen Geldbeutel und seine Uhr hervor, konnte aber den Trauring lange nicht von dem feisten Finger herunterbekommen.“
[1] "Pierre hastily pulled out his wallet and his clock, but could not get the wedding ring down from the celebrated finger for a long time"[1] „Kehre die Handtasche um und suche nach dem Geldbeutel, um das Geld zu verstauen.“
[1] "Turn the handbag around and look for the wallet to stable the money"