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Is it der, die or das Gaul?



The correct article in German of Gaul is der. So it is der Gaul! (nominative case)

The word Gaul is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Gaul?

How does the declension of Gaul work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Gaul die Gäule
Genitive des Gauls des Gaules der Gäule
Dative dem Gaul dem Gaule den Gäulen
Akkusative den Gaul die Gäule

What is the meaning of Gaul in German?

Gaul has various definitions in German:

[1] Discussive: inferior horse

[1] abschätzig: minderwertiges Pferd

[2] scenic: horse

[2] landschaftlich: Pferd

How to use Gaul in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Gaul with translations in English.

[1] Guck dir den Gaul an!

[1] Take a look at the Gaul Anää

[1] Für den lahmen Gaul ist mir der Kaufpreis zu hoch.

[1] For the lame Gaul, the purchase price is too high for me

[1] „Ein Cowboy braucht dringend einen neuen Gaul und geht zu einem Pferdehändler.“

[1] "A cowboy urgently needs a new Gaul and goes to a horse dealer" "

[1] „Mit diesen Worten nahm er seine gewichtige Reitpeitsche, mit der er wirklich einst einen Damhirsch zu Boden geschlagen, von der Wand, steckte eine gewaltige Pistole in seine lange Rocktasche und bestieg seinen Gaul.“

[1] "With these words, he took his weighty riding whip, with which he really once hit a fallow deer to the ground, from the wall, put a huge pistol in his long rock bag and climbed his Gaul"

[2] „Es gab gar diplomatische Verwicklungen, als John Major 1993 zu seinem 50. Geburtstag vom Präsidenten Turkmenistans einen Gaul geschenkt bekam (SPIEGEL 3/1994).“

[2] "There were even diplomatic complications when John Major received a Gaul for his 50th birthday by President Turkmenistan (Spiegel 3/1994)."

[2] „Er kam dann stets mit zwei Gäulen im Schlepptau und konnte sich bei meinem Vater mit Heu versorgen.“

[2] "Then he always came with two gids in tow and was able to take care of my father with hay"

Pictures or photos of Gaul

[1, 2] ein Gaul
[1, 2] ein Gaul