Is it der, die or das Forum?

The correct article in German of Forum is das. So it is das Forum! (nominative case)
The word Forum is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Forum?
How does the declension of Forum work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | das Forum | die Foren | die Fora |
Genitive | des Forums | der Foren | der Fora |
Dative | dem Forum | den Foren | den Fora |
Akkusative | das Forum | die Foren | die Fora |
What is the meaning of Forum in German?
Forum has various definitions in German:
[1] General: Real or virtual place where opinions can be exchanged with each other, questions can be asked and answered
[1] allgemein: realer oder virtueller Ort, wo Meinungen untereinander ausgetauscht werden können, Fragen gestellt und beantwortet werden können[2] Historical, Roman Empire: Place that forms the center of a place
[2] historisch, Römisches Reich: Platzanlage, die das Zentrum eines Ortes bildet[3] Law: place of jurisdiction
[3] Recht: GerichtsstandHow to use Forum in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Forum with translations in English.
[1] „Verstärkt genutzt werden könnten Blogs, Foren und Soziale Netzwerke.“
[1] "Blogs, forums and social networks" could be used increasingly "[2] „Links und rechts des Sakralbaus erweitern sich die Säulenhallen des Forums zu großen, fast halbkreisförmigen Sälen.“
[2] "On the left and right of the sacral building, the pillar halls of the forum expand to large, almost semi -circular Heads" "[2] „Stadtmauern und Foren, zuvor Aushängeschilder römischer Zivilisation, befanden sich in vielen Teilen Britanniens schnell in einem beklagenswerten Zustand.“
[2] "City walls and forums, previously figureheads of Roman civilization, were quickly in many parts of Britain in a deployed state" "[3]