Is it der, die or das Fond?

The correct article in German of Fond is der. So it is der Fond! (nominative case)
The word Fond is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Fond?
How does the declension of Fond work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Fond | die Fonds |
Genitive | des Fonds | der Fonds |
Dative | dem Fond | den Fonds |
Akkusative | den Fond | die Fonds |
What is the meaning of Fond in German?
Fond has various definitions in German:
[1] Automobile: Inside the cars behind the driver's seats
[1] Automobil: Wageninnenraum hinter den Fahrersitzen[2] Background of a painting
[2] Hintergrund eines Gemäldes[3] Broth made of fried vegetables or meat, especially for further use to a dish
[3] Brühe aus angebratenem Gemüse oder Fleisch, insbesondere für die weitere Verwendung zu einem GerichtHow to use Fond in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fond with translations in English.
[1] Der Fahrer bittet die Fahrgäste, im Fond Platz zu nehmen.
[1] The driver asks the passengers to take a seat in the rear[1] „Im Fond des Autobusses nahm ich Platz, dos à dos mit dem Chauffeur.“
[1] "I took a seat in the fund of the car buss, dos à dos with the chauffeur" "[1] „Im Fond saß ein Mann in SS-Uniform – der Standartenführer Mueller-Darß.“
[1] "In the rear, a man was sitting in SS uniform-the standard guide Mueller-Darßä"[1] „Käthe wurde ihm vorgestellt, verstand kaum seinen Namen, setzte sich in den Fond.“
[1] "Käthe was introduced to him, hardly understood his name, sat down in the fond with"[1] „Ich war Taxifahrer, im Fond saß eine Kundin, jung und blühend.“
[1] "I was a taxi driver, a customer was sitting in the rear, young and flowering" "[2]
[2][3] Der Fond sollte noch etwas pikanter gewürzt werden.
[3] The stock should be spiced up a little more spicy[3] [Schlagzeile:] „Fond selbst kochen - so geht's“
[3] [Headline:] "Cooking the Fond yourself - that's how it works"