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Is it der, die or das Fitnessstudio?



The correct article in German of Fitnessstudio is das. So it is das Fitnessstudio! (nominative case)

The word Fitnessstudio is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Fitnessstudio?

How does the declension of Fitnessstudio work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Fitnessstudio die Fitnessstudios
Genitive des Fitnessstudios der Fitnessstudios
Dative dem Fitnessstudio den Fitnessstudios
Akkusative das Fitnessstudio die Fitnessstudios

What is the meaning of Fitnessstudio in German?

Fitnessstudio is defined as:

[1] Place where you can do strength and endurance sports on equipment

[1] Ort, an dem man an Geräten Kraft- und Ausdauersport betreiben kann

How to use Fitnessstudio in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Fitnessstudio with translations in English.

[1] Nach dem Weihnachtsessen nahm er sich fest vor ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen.

[1] After Christmas dinner, he resolved to go to the gym .

[1] „Heute haben alle Mitgliedskarten von Fitnessstudios und fahren wirklich nach Island.“[1]

[1] "Today everyone has membership cards from fitness studios and are really going to Iceland." [1]

[1] „Im Fitnessstudio sind junge Frauen in knappen Oberteilen keine Seltenheit.[2]

[1] "Young women in skimpy tops are not uncommon in the fitness studio. [2]

[1] „Er geht ins Fitnessstudio, arbeitet an seinem Körper, ernährt sich gesund und ist immer auf der Suche nach Jobs.“[3]

[1] "He goes to the gym, works on his body, has a healthy diet and is always looking for jobs." [3]