Is it der, die or das Sound?

The correct article in German of Sound is der. So it is der Sound! (nominative case)
The word Sound is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Sound?
How does the declension of Sound work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Sound | die Sounds |
Genitive | des Sounds | der Sounds |
Dative | dem Sound | den Sounds |
Akkusative | den Sound | die Sounds |
What is the meaning of Sound in German?
Sound is defined as:
[1] The characteristic sound of music
[1] der charakteristische Klang der MusikHow to use Sound in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Sound with translations in English.
[1] Für den typischen Rocksound muss das normale E-Gitarren-Signal verzerrt werden.
[1] For the typical rock sound, the normal electric guitar signal must be distorted[1] Beim Kauf einer Blues-Gitarre sollte man sich vorher genau überlegen, wie der Sound klingen soll.
[1] When buying a blues guitar, you should think carefully about how the sound should sound[1] „Unablösbar gehört zu dieser Stadt nicht allein das, was man zu sehen bekommt, sondern eben auch der Sound, der zu vernehmen ist.“
[1] "Inevitable does not only belong to this city what you get to see, but also the sound that can be heard"[1] „Ich lief durch das Getümmel, um nach Davids Truck Ausschau zu halten, und kam an einem deutschen Team vorbei, das zum ohrenbetäubenden Sound von Trash Metal in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit einen Reifen wechselte.“
[1] "I ran through the fray to keep an eye out for David's truck, and passed a German team, which for the deafening sound of Trash Metal at a breathtaking speed changes a mature one" "[1] „Die neue Freiheit hatte ihren eigenen Sound.“
[1] "The new freedom had its own sound" "