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Is it der, die or das Expressionismus?



The correct article in German of Expressionismus is der. So it is der Expressionismus! (nominative case)

The word Expressionismus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Expressionismus?

How does the declension of Expressionismus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Expressionismus
Genitive des Expressionismus
Dative dem Expressionismus
Akkusative den Expressionismus

What is the meaning of Expressionismus in German?

Expressionismus is defined as:

[1] Art history: A art movement created in the twentieth century

[1] Kunstgeschichte: eine im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert entstandene Kunstrichtung

How to use Expressionismus in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Expressionismus with translations in English.

[1] „Insbesondere junge Literaten des Expressionismus machten ihrem Verdruß über die verknöcherte Gesellschaft durch Herbeirufen der Apokalypse Luft.“

[1] "In particular, young writers of Expressionism made their annoyance over the ossified society by calling up the apocalypse"

[1] „Matisse habe die Begriffe Kubismus und Expressionismus erfunden, berichtet Däubler.“

[1] "Matisse invented cubism and expressionism, reports Däublerä"

[1] „Die meisten deutschschreibenden Autoren in Prag sind, was ihren Stil betrifft, dem Expressionismus zuzurechnen.“

[1] "Most German -writing authors in Prague are concerned about their style, attributing expressionism"

[1] „Er muss meinem Vater viel über den Expressionismus erzählt haben, der zu dieser Zeit ja längst aus allen Gallerien und Museen verbannt war.“

[1] "He must have told my father a lot about Expressionism, who at that time had long since been banished from all Gallenia and museums"