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Is it der, die or das Europa?


The article is needed if "Europe" in a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. normally, no article is used.

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German declension of Europa?

How does the declension of Europa work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Europa
Genitive (des Europa) (des Europas) Europas
Dative (dem) Europa
Akkusative (das) Europa

What is the meaning of Europa in German?

Europa has various definitions in German:

[1] In the conventional view, a continent/ earth part, western subcontinent of Eurasia

[1] nach herkömmlicher Auffassung ein Kontinent/ Erdteil, westlicher Subkontinent Eurasiens

[2] Vision of a European state

[2] Vision eines europäischen Staates

How to use Europa in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Europa with translations in English.

[1] Europa ist der zweitkleinste Kontinent der Erde.

[1] Europe is the second smallest continent of the earth

[1] „Wir haben Europa nicht von Hitler zurückerobert, um es jetzt kampflos aufzugeben.“

[1] "We have not recaptured Europe from Hitler to open it without a fight"

[1] „Für Europa schätzt man um 1600 rund 100 Millionen Einwohner, für Amerika vor den Reisen des Columbus etwa 10 Millionen Einwohner.“

[1] "Around 100 million inhabitants are estimated around 1600, for America before the trips of the Columbus around 10 million inhabitants" "

[1] „Im Zweiten Weltkrieg ging sie im Rahmen der Truppenbetreuungsprogramme nach Europa und begeisterte nicht nur die GIs, sondern auch manchen US-General, der sich nur willig und gerne verführen ließ.“

[1] "In the Second World War, she went to Europe as part of the troop care programs and not only delighted the GIS, but also some US generals who can only be seduced and liked to seduce"

[2] Aus dem Europa der sieben wurde das Europa der zehn.

[2] The Europe of the seven became the Europe of the Zehn

[2] „Noch gelingt es Europa nicht, in der Welt der großen Zwei – den USA und China – mitzuspielen.“

[2] "Europe is still not able to participate in the world of the big two - the USA and China"