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Is it der, die or das Eritrea?


The article is needed if "Eritrea" of a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. normally, no article is used.

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German declension of Eritrea?

How does the declension of Eritrea work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Eritrea
Genitive (des Eritrea) (des Eritreas) Eritreas
Dative (dem) Eritrea
Akkusative (das) Eritrea

What is the meaning of Eritrea in German?

Eritrea is defined as:

[1] A country in East Africa

[1] ein Land in Ostafrika

How to use Eritrea in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Eritrea with translations in English.

[1] Zwischen Eritrea und Äthiopien gibt es einen Konflikt um den Grenzverlauf.

[1] Between Eritrea and Ethiopia there is a conflict about the border graduate

[1] Eritrea war erst italienische, dann britische Kolonie.

[1] Eritrea was only Italian, then British colony depression

[1] Asmara ist die Hauptstadt von Eritrea.

[1] Asmara is the capital of Eritreather

[1] „Mit den Italienern hat der neue Herrscher noch vor seiner Krönung mehrere Abkommen geschlossen, in denen er Rom unter anderem die Region Eritrea abgetreten hat.“

[1] "With the Italians, the new ruler has closed several agreements before his coronation in which he ceded Rome, among other things, the Eritrea region"