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Is it der, die or das Enkelin?



The correct article in German of Enkelin is die. So it is die Enkelin! (nominative case)

The word Enkelin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Enkelin?

How does the declension of Enkelin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Enkelin die Enkelinnen
Genitive der Enkelin der Enkelinnen
Dative der Enkelin den Enkelinnen
Akkusative die Enkelin die Enkelinnen

What is the meaning of Enkelin in German?

Enkelin is defined as:

[1] Female child of son or daughter (child child) or female descendant of the second generation

[1] weibliches Kind von Sohn oder Tochter (Kindes-Kind) oder weibliche Nachfahrin der zweiten Generation

How to use Enkelin in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Enkelin with translations in English.

[1] Meine Enkelin ist sieben Jahre alt.

[1] My granddaughter is seven years old

[1] „Als ich ihn fragte, warum er nicht ein Machtwort sprach, um seine Enkelin vor der Beschneidung zu retten, spielte er den Ahnungslosen.“

[1] "When I asked him why he didn't speak a word of power to save his granddaughter from circumcision, he played the unsuspecting" "

[1] „Als das Gift zu wirken begann und der Mann verzweifelt um Hilfe schrie, drohte sie ihm, wiederzukommen und ihn zu entmannen, wenn er es noch einmal wagen sollte, ihrer Enkelin zu nahe zu kommen.“

[1] "When the poison began to work and the man desperately screamed for help, she threatened to come back and refuse him if he was supposed to dare to come too close to her granddaughter"

[1] „Enkelin Lena hat sich viel mit ihren beiden Großmüttern über den Krieg unterhalten.“

[1] "Grandery Lena talked a lot with her two grandmothers about the war"

[1] „Im Laufe der Analysen kristallisierte sich allerdings heraus, dass auch unbearbeitete Themen aus der Familienvergangenheit bei den Enkelinnen und Urenkelinnen ihren Niederschlag fanden.“

[1] "In the course of the analyzes, however, it became clear that unprocessed topics from family past were also reflected in the grandchildren and great -grandchildren" "

[1] „Sie zeigt uns die kleine Bauernkate, die sie mit der Enkelin bewohnt.“

[1] "She shows us the small farmers' kate that she lives in with the granddaughter"