Is it der, die or das Eiweiß?
The correct article in German of Eiweiß is das. So it is das Eiweiß! (nominative case)
The word Eiweiß is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Eiweiß?
How does the declension of Eiweiß work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Eiweiß | die Eiweiße |
Genitive | des Eiweißes | der Eiweiße |
Dative | dem Eiweiß dem Eiweiße | den Eiweißen |
Akkusative | das Eiweiß | die Eiweiße |
What is the meaning of Eiweiß in German?
Eiweiß has various definitions in German:
[1] Gastronomy, zoology: Gallent -like substance that surrounds the yolk into bird eggs and dining ingredient
[1] Gastronomie, Zoologie: gallertartige Substanz, die den Dotter in Vogeleiern umgibt und Speisezutat[2] Biochemistry: Macromolecular basic building blocks of the cells
[2] Biochemie: makromolekulare Grundbausteine der ZellenHow to use Eiweiß in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Eiweiß with translations in English.
[1] Beim Backen wird oft Eiweiß von Eigelb getrennt.
[1] When baking, protein is often separated from egg yolk[1] „Ich konnte mich an dem Löffel festhalten, konnte die Bohnen erkennen, Spuren von Eiweiß und Eidotter darin, die Scheibe Brot, die immer kleiner wurde.“
[1] "I was able to stick to the spoon, could recognize the beans, traces of protein and egg yolk in it, the slice of bread, which was getting smaller"[2] Viele essentielle Eiweiße kann unser Körper nicht selbst bilden.
[2] Many essential egg whites cannot fake our body itself[2] „Beim Eindringen artfremden Eiweißes (Antigene) in das Blut werden in Plasmazellen des Knochenmarks und im lymphatischen Gewebe hochspezifische Abwehrstoffe (Antitoxine, Antikörper) gebildet und in das Blut abgegeben.“
[2] "In the case of no distant protein (antigens) into the blood, high -specific defenses (antipoxins, antibodies) are formed in plasma cells of the bone marrow and in lymphatic tissue and released into the blood"[2] „Dabei handelt es sich um jene Eiweiße, aus denen viele Bindegewebe bestehen und die auch in den Knochen reichlich vorkommen.“
[2] "These are the proteins from which many connective tissue consist of and which also occur in the bones"