Is it der, die or das Wahl?

The correct article in German of Wahl is die. So it is die Wahl! (nominative case)
The word Wahl is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Wahl?
How does the declension of Wahl work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Wahl | die Wahlen |
Genitive | der Wahl | der Wahlen |
Dative | der Wahl | den Wahlen |
Akkusative | die Wahl | die Wahlen |
What is the meaning of Wahl in German?
Wahl has various definitions in German:
[1] Decision between two or more options
[1] Entscheidung zwischen zwei oder mehreren Möglichkeiten[2] Politics: The coordination of who may occupy or exercise certain offices or bodies also also via individual subject topics
[2] Politik: das Abstimmen darüber, wer bestimmte Ämter oder Gremien besetzen beziehungsweise ausüben darf, auch über einzelne Sachthemen[3] A quality level
[3] eine QualitätsstufeHow to use Wahl in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Wahl with translations in English.
[1] Heute habe ich die Wahl: Spaghetti oder Pommes?
[1] Today I have the choice: spaghetti or fried service[2] Wir hielten heute in der Schule eine Wahl zum Amt des Klassensprechers ab.
[2] Today we held an election as a class spokesman at school[2] Bei der Wahl 2002 siegte die SPD, gefolgt von der CDU.
The SPD won at the 2002 election, followed by the CDUE[2] „Im Frühling 1921 fanden dreie Wahlen zur Mationalversammlung des Freistaats statt.“
[2] "In spring 1921, three elections were found for the Mational Assembly of the Free State"[3] Die Weintrauben sind erste Wahl.
[3] The grapes are first electionPictures or photos of Wahl
![[2] Wahl in Afghanistan](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Afghan_man_at_the_ballot_box_during_Loya_jirga.jpg)