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Is it der, die or das Dreigestirn?



The correct article in German of Dreigestirn is das. So it is das Dreigestirn! (nominative case)

The word Dreigestirn is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Dreigestirn?

How does the declension of Dreigestirn work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Dreigestirn die Dreigestirne
Genitive des Dreigestirns des Dreigestirnes der Dreigestirne
Dative dem Dreigestirn dem Dreigestirne den Dreigestirnen
Akkusative das Dreigestirn die Dreigestirne

What is the meaning of Dreigestirn in German?

Dreigestirn has various definitions in German:

[1] Group of three highlighted objects or persons

[1] Gruppe von drei hervorgehobenen Objekten oder Personen

[2] Carnival: Symbolic figures of the Rheinische Carnival: Prince, Bauer and Virgin

[2] Karneval: Symbolfiguren des rheinischen Karnevals: Prinz, Bauer und Jungfrau

How to use Dreigestirn in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Dreigestirn with translations in English.

[1] „Viele kleine Leser kamen in der Grundschule Isenbüttel ganz groß raus. In einem spannenden Wettbewerb klärten sie, wer das Dreigestirn der Lesekönige bildet: Henriette Clemens (2a), Ida Wichmann (3a) und Maximilian Speh (4c).“

[1] "Many small readers came out very big in the Isenbüttel primary school in an exciting competition, they clarified who forms the triad of the reading kings: Henriette Clemens (2a), Ida Wichmann (3a) and Maximilian Speh (4c)."

[2] „In den Regen hinaus treten Würdenträger, Dreigestirn und, allen voran, Präsident Ritterbach.“

[2] "Dignitists, triumvirate and, above all, President Ritterbachä" step into the rain "