Is it der, die or das Derivat?
The correct article in German of Derivat is das. So it is das Derivat! (nominative case)
The word Derivat is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Derivat?
How does the declension of Derivat work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Derivat | die Derivate |
Genitive | des Derivats des Derivates | der Derivate |
Dative | dem Derivat dem Derivate | den Derivaten |
Akkusative | das Derivat | die Derivate |
What is the meaning of Derivat in German?
Derivat has various definitions in German:
[1] Linguistics: derived word
[1] Linguistik: abgeleitetes Wort[2] Chemistry: chemical connection that can be formally derived from a simpler
[2] Chemie: chemische Verbindung, die sich formell von einer einfacheren ableiten lässt[3] Product or design that derives from another product or design
[3] Produkt oder Entwurf, welcher sich von einem anderen Produkt oder Entwurf ableitet[4] Financial economy: Financial contract, the value of which is derived from a market -related reference size
[4] Finanzwirtschaft: finanzwirtschaftlicher Vertrag, dessen Wert sich von einer marktbezogenen Referenzgröße ableitetHow to use Derivat in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Derivat with translations in English.
[1] Das Adjektiv „witzig“ ist ein Derivat von „Witz“
[1] The adjective "funny" is a derivative of "wit"[2] das Methan und seine Derivate
[2] The methane and its derivatives[3] 386BSD ist ein Unix-Derivat; die Geländeversion ist ein Derivat der Limousine; die bekannte Zeichentrickserie hat zahllose Derivate als Bettwäsche, Geschirr oder Schreibwaren hervorgebracht
[3] 386BSD is a Unix derivative. The terrain version is a derivative of the sedan; The well -known cartoon series has produced countless derivatives as bed linen, dishes or stationery