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Is it der, die or das Credo?



The correct article in German of Credo is das. So it is das Credo! (nominative case)

The word Credo is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Credo?

How does the declension of Credo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Credo die Credos
Genitive des Credos der Credos
Dative dem Credo den Credos
Akkusative das Credo die Credos

What is the meaning of Credo in German?

Credo has various definitions in German:

[1] Christianity: Apostolic Creed

[1] Christentum: apostolisches Glaubensbekenntnis

[2] Education: Convention that someone represents

[2] bildungssprachlich: Überzeugung, die jemand vertritt

How to use Credo in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Credo with translations in English.



[2] „Niemals ist sie in der Öffentlichkeit mit ihrem stets offensiv vorgetragenen Credo auf Ablehnung gestoßen.“

[2] "She never came up with rejection in public with her offensive credo"

[2] „Die von Hannibal von Anfang an konsequent betriebene ideologische Kriegsführung trug nun erste Früchte. Sie erlaubte ihm die Befolgung seines politisch-militärischen Credos: die Fortsetzung seines Feldzuges auf italischem Boden, was zur Folge hatte, dass Nordafrika von den Schrecken des Krieges verschont blieb.“

[2] "The ideological warfare from Hannibal from the start now wore the first fruit she allowed him to comply with his political-military creed: the continuation of his campaign on Italian soil, which resulted in North Africa of the horrors of war was spared. "

[2] „Das Credo des Enkels ist unmissverständlich.“

[2] "The creed of the grandson is unmistakable"

[2] „Dieses Credo der Demokratie ist den meisten afrikanischen Führern bis heute fremd.“

[2] "This credo of democracy is still foreign to most African leaders"