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Is it der, die or das Clown?



The correct article in German of Clown is der. So it is der Clown! (nominative case)

The word Clown is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Clown?

How does the declension of Clown work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Clown die Clowns
Genitive des Clowns der Clowns
Dative dem Clown den Clowns
Akkusative den Clown die Clowns

What is the meaning of Clown in German?

Clown has various definitions in German:

[1] Person who appears in front of an audience (especially in the circus) in striking costumes and power

[1] Person, die vor Publikum (vor allem im Zirkus) in auffälligen Kostümen auftritt und Späße macht

[2] Translated: Slower, not serious person

[2] übertragen: alberner, nicht ernst zu nehmender Mensch

How to use Clown in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Clown with translations in English.

[1] Grock war ein berühmter Clown.

[1] Grock was a famous clown

[1] „Der Clown hatte eine große Kiste in die Mitte der Manege gestellt.“

[1] "The clown had put a large box in the middle of the ring"

[1] „Ein Clown, der ans Saufen kommt, steigt rascher ab, als ein betrunkener Dachdecker stürzt.“

[1] "A clown that comes to drink rises faster when a drunk roofer falls"

[2] Na, heute bist du ja mal wieder ein richtiger Clown.

[2] Well, today you're a real clown again

[2] „Die Presse stellte ihn als Clown dar, und er war dreimal von südafrikanischen Gerichten wegen Hetzreden verurteilt worden, dennoch würde Malema in Zukunft eine Führungsposition in Südafrika einnehmen.“

[2] "The press represented him as a clown, and he had been convicted three times by South African courts for having speeches, but Malema would take a leadership position in South Africa in the future"

Pictures or photos of Clown

[1] Illustration eines Clowns
[1] Illustration eines Clowns