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Is it der, die or das Campus?



The correct article in German of Campus is der. So it is der Campus! (nominative case)

The word Campus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The plural form campusse is colloquial

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Choose the correct article.





German declension of Campus?

How does the declension of Campus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural 1 Plural 2
Nominative der Campus die Campus die Campusse
Genitive des Campus der Campus der Campusse
Dative dem Campus den Campus den Campussen
Akkusative den Campus die Campus die Campusse

What is the meaning of Campus in German?

Campus is defined as:

[1] area on which buildings and other plants are located in a university

[1] Gelände, auf dem sich Gebäude und weitere Anlagen einer Universität befinden

How to use Campus in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Campus with translations in English.

[1] Sie verabredeten sich für acht Uhr auf dem Campus.

[1] They agreed on the campus for eight o'clock

[1] „Nach dem Abitur schrieb sie sich an der Uni für Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaften ein, und wenn wir uns zufällig auf dem Campus trafen, tranken wir Kaffee zusammen und verwunderten einander mit Details aus unseren Leben.“

[1] "After the Abitur, she wrote down at the university for theater, film and television sciences, and if we happened to meet on campus, we drank coffee together and were surprised with details from our lifes"

[1] „Sophies erster Termin führte uns auf den Campus der Universität von Dakar.“

[1] "Sophie's first appointment led us to the campus of the University of Dakarä"