Is it der, die or das Brustwarze?

The correct article in German of Brustwarze is die. So it is die Brustwarze! (nominative case)
The word Brustwarze is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Brustwarze?
How does the declension of Brustwarze work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Brustwarze | die Brustwarzen |
Genitive | der Brustwarze | der Brustwarzen |
Dative | der Brustwarze | den Brustwarzen |
Akkusative | die Brustwarze | die Brustwarzen |
What is the meaning of Brustwarze in German?
Brustwarze is defined as:
[1] circular elevation on the chest, which stands out in shape and color from the surrounding skin
[1] kreisförmige Erhebung auf der Brust, die sich in Form und Farbe von der umgebenden Haut abhebtHow to use Brustwarze in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Brustwarze with translations in English.
[1] „Flüssigkeitsabsonderungen aus der Brustwarze, auch Galaktorrhoe genannt, können verschiedene Ursachen haben.“
[1] "Liquid secretions from the nipple, also called galactorrhea, can have different causes"[1] „Die jeweils zwei männlichen und weiblichen Brustwarzen befinden sich in der Mitte der Brust.“
[1] "The two male and female nipples are located in the middle of the chest"[1] „Sie berührte mit der Handfläche seinen Oberkörper, streichelte ihn und zwirbelte leicht seine Brustwarze.“
[1] "She touched his upper body with the palm of his hand, stroked it and twirled his nuclear war"[1] „Ich strich mit den Fingern durch ihr Haar, liebkoste ihre Ohrmuscheln, ihren Nacken, ergriff ihre Titten und massierte sie sanft, wobei ich bei den Brustwarzen verweilte, bis sie straff herausstanden.“
[1] "I stroked my fingers through her hair, caressed her ear cups, her neck, grabbed her tits and massaged them gently, lingering with the nipples until they were taut"Pictures or photos of Brustwarze
![[1] Brustwarze einer Frau](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Female_nipple_profile.jpg)
![[1] Brustwarze eines Mannes](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Human_nipple.jpg)