Is it der, die or das Bohrung?
The correct article in German of Bohrung is die. So it is die Bohrung! (nominative case)
The word Bohrung is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Bohrung?
How does the declension of Bohrung work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Bohrung | die Bohrungen |
Genitive | der Bohrung | der Bohrungen |
Dative | der Bohrung | den Bohrungen |
Akkusative | die Bohrung | die Bohrungen |
What is the meaning of Bohrung in German?
Bohrung has various definitions in German:
[1] The plot of the drilling
[1] die Handlung des Bohrens[2] The result of the drilling, the borehole
[2] das Ergebnis des Bohrens, das Bohrloch[3] For piston engines: "Inner diameter of the cylinder"
[3] bei Kolbenmotoren: „Innendurchmesser der Zylinder“How to use Bohrung in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bohrung with translations in English.
[1] Die Bohrungen im Eis verhelfen den Forschern zu wichtigen Proben, die Auskunft über die Vergangenheit geben.
[1] The holes in the ice help researchers to make information about the past, provide information about the past[2] Die Forscher hatten noch ein paar Bohrungen niedergebracht.
[2] The researchers had brought down a few holes[2] [Erdsonden für Wärmepumpen:] „Dafür sind die Bohrungen recht teuer. Fachleute rechnen mit etwa 80 bis 150 Euro pro Meter – je nachdem, wie der Untergrund beschaffen ist.“
[2] [Earth probes for heat pumps:] "For this, the holes are quite expensive experts expect around 80 to 150 euros per meter - depending on how the surface is obtained."[3]