Is it der, die or das Blues?
The correct article in German of Blues is der. So it is der Blues! (nominative case)
The word Blues is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Blues?
How does the declension of Blues work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Blues | — |
Genitive | des Blues | — |
Dative | dem Blues | — |
Akkusative | den Blues | — |
What is the meaning of Blues in German?
Blues has various definitions in German:
[1] African -American music genre
[1] afroamerikanische Musikrichtung[2] The coarse melancholic mood of this music
[2] die derb-melancholische Grundstimmung dieser Musik[3] A dance
[3] ein TanzHow to use Blues in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Blues with translations in English.
[1] Die Band spielte einen Blues.
[1] The band played a bluese[1] „Dieser Blues war in seiner nervösen Kraft ein Vorläufer des Rock'n'Roll.“
[1] "This blues was a forerunner of the rock'n'rollä" in its nervous power "[1] „Über dem Flackern der Kerzen, dem Nebel des Zigarettenrauchs und den Tönen des schmeichelnden Blues war Sabina sich bewußt, daß Jay über sie nachdachte.“
[1] "Above the flickering of the candles, the fog of the cigarette smoke and the tones of the flattering blues, Sabina was aware that Jay was back on her"[1] „Es ist kein Zufall, dass der kulturelle Siegeszug der schwarzen Musik, des Jazz, des Blues, des Hip-Hop und Rap den Schwarzen die ersten Türen zur High Society öffnete.“
[1] "It is no coincidence that the cultural triumphal march of black music, jazz, blues, hip-hop and rap opened the first doors to the high society" to the blacks "[2] Ich hab' mal wieder den Blues.
[2] I have the blues once again[3]