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Is it der, die or das Blickfeld?



The correct article in German of Blickfeld is das. So it is das Blickfeld! (nominative case)

The word Blickfeld is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Blickfeld?

How does the declension of Blickfeld work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Blickfeld die Blickfelder
Genitive des Blickfeldes des Blickfelds der Blickfelder
Dative dem Blickfeld dem Blickfelde den Blickfeldern
Akkusative das Blickfeld die Blickfelder

What is the meaning of Blickfeld in German?

Blickfeld is defined as:

[1] area that can be overlooked/with your eyes

[1] Bereich, den man überblicken/mit den Augen erfassen kann

How to use Blickfeld in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Blickfeld with translations in English.

[1] „Wir sehen ihr nach, sehen, wie sie ihren Pass auf den Tresen legt, nach der Kontrolle wieder in der Handtasche verstaut und über eine Rolltreppe nach oben aus unserem Blickfeld verschwindet.“

[1] "We look at you, see how she puts her passport on the counter, stowed back in your handbag after the control and disappear from our field of vision over a escalator" disappears "

[1] „Vier Jahre lang starrte das Weltraumteleskop Kepler in den Himmel, rund 150.000 Sterne wanderten seit 2009 durch sein Blickfeld.“

[1] "For four years, the Kepler space telescope stared into the sky, around 150 people have been hiking through its field of vision since 2009."

[1] „Sie hob ihre Hände in sein Blickfeld und gebärdete dort.“

[1] "She lifted her hands into his field of vision and gestured there"

[1] „Er stand vor einem hohen Richtertisch, der so lang war, dass er weit über beide Seiten seines Blickfeldes hinausging.“

[1] "He stood in front of a high judge who was so long that he went far beyond both sides of his field of vision"