Is it der, die or das Bibliothekar?
The correct article in German of Bibliothekar is der. So it is der Bibliothekar! (nominative case)
The word Bibliothekar is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Bibliothekar?
How does the declension of Bibliothekar work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Bibliothekar | die Bibliothekare |
Genitive | des Bibliothekars | der Bibliothekare |
Dative | dem Bibliothekar | den Bibliothekaren |
Akkusative | den Bibliothekar | die Bibliothekare |
What is the meaning of Bibliothekar in German?
Bibliothekar is defined as:
[1] employee of a library
[1] Mitarbeiter einer BibliothekHow to use Bibliothekar in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bibliothekar with translations in English.
[1] Immanuel Kant hat auch als Bibliothekar gearbeitet.
[1] Immanuel Kant also worked as a librarian[1] „Der Bibliothekar und sein Assistent starben ebenso wie einige der Fellows, die Interesse an der Bibliothek hatten, und das war der Stand der Dinge bis vor ein paar Jahren.“
[1] "The librarian and his assistant died as well as some of the fellows who were interested in the library, and that was the state of affairs until a few in years" "[1] „Nach seiner ruhmreichen Anfangszeit erlebte das »Schatzhaus der Bücher« eine Glanzzeit unter dem Bibliothekar Leibniz, der in den Jahren 1690 bis 1716 von Herzog Anton Ulrich, dem Sohn des Gründers, nach Wolfenbüttel gerufen worden war.“
[1] "After his glorious early days, the" Treasurer of the Books "experienced a heyday under the librarian Leibniz, which was called to Wolfenbüttel from 1690 to 1716 by Duke Anton Ulrich, the son of the founder"[1] „In seinem Bekanntenkreis gab es keine Bibliothekare.“
[1] "There were no librarians in his circle of friends"[1] „Der Bibliothekar Jens Davidsen hatte Henriette gebeten, samstags die Bibliothek offen zu halten und sich um den Bestand zu kümmern.“
[1] "The librarian Jens Davidsen had asked Henriette to keep the library open on Saturdays and to take care of the inventory"Pictures or photos of Bibliothekar
![[1] ein Bibliothekar](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Anton_Roschmann.jpg)