Is it der, die or das Barbar?
The correct article in German of Barbar is der. So it is der Barbar! (nominative case)
The word Barbar is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 1
German declension of Barbar?
How does the declension of Barbar work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Barbar | die Barbaren |
Genitive | des Barbaren | der Barbaren |
Dative | dem Barbaren | den Barbaren |
Akkusative | den Barbaren | die Barbaren |
What is the meaning of Barbar in German?
Barbar has various definitions in German:
Originally: name in ancient Greece for people who speak Greek at all
[1] ursprünglich: Bezeichnung im antiken Griechenland für schlecht oder gar nicht griechisch sprechende Menschen[2] pejorative: man whose behavioral standard is less "civilized"
[2] abwertend: Mensch, dessen Verhaltensstandard weniger „zivilisiert“ istHow to use Barbar in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Barbar with translations in English.
[1] Also die Griechen waren zunächst einmal Leute, die in ihre eigene Sprache vernarrt waren. Die Griechen nennen ja die anderen Völker im Gegensatz zu ihnen die Barbaren, und das heißt, die Leute, die nicht anständig reden können, die nur bar-brr-brr-brr sprechen, Barbarei und so weiter.
[1] So the Greeks were initially people who are fond of their own language. In contrast to them, the other peoples call the barbarians, and that is that the people who cannot speak properly who only can BRR-BrR-BrR speak, barbarism and so on.[2] „So konnten sie offensichtlich eigennützige Feldzüge als altruistische Missionen tarnen, die dazu dienten, wilde Barbaren zu zivilisieren.“
[2] "In this way, they were obviously able to camouflage out -of -all campaigns as old -truistic missions that served to civilize wild barbarians"[2] „Das Barbaricum jenseits des Limes bot kultivierten Römern wenig, und so war auch über die Barbaren östlich der Elbe und nördlich der Donau kaum etwas bekannt.“
[2] "The barbaricum beyond the Limes offered little, and so there was hardly anything known about the barbarians east of the Elbe and north of the Danube"[2] „Die angeblichen Barbaren vom Kontinent sollten Britannien kulturell und sprachlich stärker prägen als zuvor die Römer und später die Wikinger und Normannen.“
[2] "The alleged barbarians from the continent should shape Britain culturally and linguistically more than before the Romans and later the Vikings and Normansh"[2] „Es ist dort, als seien die Barbaren schon einmal dagewesen, als sei die Steppe schon zu spüren.“
[2] "It is there as if the barbarians have been there before, as if the steppe has already been felt"Is it der, die or das Barbar?
The correct article in German of Barbar is das. So it is das Barbar! (nominative case)
The word Barbar is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The article is needed if "barbar" in a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. usually, no article is used.
Context 2
German declension of Barbar?
How does the declension of Barbar work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Barbar | — |
Genitive | (des Barbar) (des Barbars) Barbars | — |
Dative | (dem) Barbar | — |
Akkusative | (das) Barbar | — |
What is the meaning of Barbar in German?
Barbar is defined as:
[1] A city in Sudan and administrative seat of the district of the same name Barbar
[1] eine Stadt in Sudan und Verwaltungssitz des gleichnamigen Distriktes BarbarHow to use Barbar in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Barbar with translations in English.