Is it der, die or das Autozulieferer?
The correct article in German of Autozulieferer is der. So it is der Autozulieferer! (nominative case)
The word Autozulieferer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Autozulieferer?
How does the declension of Autozulieferer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Autozulieferer | die Autozulieferer |
Genitive | des Autozulieferers | der Autozulieferer |
Dative | dem Autozulieferer | den Autozulieferern |
Akkusative | den Autozulieferer | die Autozulieferer |
What is the meaning of Autozulieferer in German?
Autozulieferer is defined as:
[1] Operation that provides certain components for their vehicles
[1] Betrieb, der Autofirmen bestimmte Bauteile für ihre Fahrzeuge liefertHow to use Autozulieferer in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Autozulieferer with translations in English.
[1] „Dem SPIEGEL liegt ein Brief des Autozulieferers Schrader Electronics aus dem Jahr 2012 vor, in dem der damalige Kommissar explizit vor Softwaremanipulationen der Autohersteller gewarnt wurde.“
[1] "The mirror has a letter from the car supplier Schrader Electronics from 2012, in which the then commissioner explicitly warned of software canipulations of the car manufacturers"