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Is it der, die or das Appell?



The correct article in German of Appell is der. So it is der Appell! (nominative case)

The word Appell is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Appell?

How does the declension of Appell work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Appell die Appelle
Genitive des Appells der Appelle
Dative dem Appell den Appellen
Akkusative den Appell die Appelle

What is the meaning of Appell in German?

Appell has various definitions in German:

[1] Urgent request, reminder

[1] dringende Aufforderung, Mahnung

[2] Military: The ordered list (by soldiers in front of a commanding)

[2] Militär: die geordnete Aufstellung (von Soldaten vor einem Kommandierenden)

[3] Linguistics: One of the three basic functions of the language alongside expression and presentation

[3] Linguistik: eine der drei Grundfunktionen der Sprache neben Ausdruck und Darstellung

[4] Hunter language: Obient of a hunting dog

[4] Jägersprache: Gehorsam eines Jagdhundes

How to use Appell in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Appell with translations in English.

[1] Ich richte einen Appell an all diejenigen, denen ihre Ernährung wichtig ist: Ernährt euch gesund!

[1] I am addressing an appeal to all those who are important to their diet: eat up to be awesome

[2] Jeden Morgen werden beim Appell die Vollzähligkeit der Mannschaft geprüft und die Tagesbefehle ausgegeben.

[2] Every morning, the completeness of the team is checked during the appeal and the daily commands are issued

[2] „Es war furchtbar heiß heute, beim Appell wurden viele ohnmächtig.“

[2] "It was terribly hot today, many of them were passed on during the appeal"

[3] Wenn jemand zu einer anderen Person spricht, so übt er auch die Sprachfunktion des Appells aus.

[3] When someone talks to another person, they also practice the language function of the appeal

[3] „Wir nennen die semantische Relation des Lautzeichens zum Täter der Sprechtat den Ausdruck und die semantische Relation des Lautzeichens zum Adressaten den Appell.“

[3] "We call the semantic relation of the sound sign to the perpetrator of the speech the expression and the semantic relation of the sound sign to the addressee"

[4] Dieser Hund hat einen ganz schlechten Appell.

[4] This dog has a very bad appeal

Pictures or photos of Appell

[ 2 ] Appell in der Kaserne 1929
[ 2 ] Appell in der Kaserne 1929