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Is it der, die or das Album?



The correct article in German of Album is das. So it is das Album! (nominative case)

The word Album is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Album?

How does the declension of Album work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Album die Alben
Genitive des Albums der Alben
Dative dem Album den Alben
Akkusative das Album die Alben

What is the meaning of Album in German?

Album has various definitions in German:

[1] container, originally in book form, which can contain several collective objects

[1] Behältnis, ursprünglich in Buchform, das mehrere Sammelobjekte enthalten kann

[2] Compilation of several pieces of music of an interpreter

[2] Zusammenstellung mehrerer Musikstücke eines Interpreten

How to use Album in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Album with translations in English.

[1] Ich zeige dir gerne die Urlaubsbilder, ich hole schnell das Album.

[1] I would be happy to show you the vacation pictures, I'll get the album quickly

[1] „Da die Feldpost zensiert wurde, wussten wir, dass viele ihren Familien in Deutschland diese Fotos schickten, einige sogar in Gestalt kleiner Alben, mit Bildunterschriften geschmückt…“

[1] "Since the field post was censored, we knew that many of their families in Germany sent these photos, some even in the form of small albums, decorated with capacity ..."

[1] „Helena konnte sich stundenlang in diese Alben vertiefen.“

[1] "Helena was able to go to these albums for hours"

[1] „Es würde Tage dauern, bis alle Marken wieder ihren Platz in den Alben gefunden hätten.“

[1] "It would take days for all brands to find their place in the albums again"

[2] Das „weiße Album“ der Beatles war ein großer Erfolg und wurde millionenfach verkauft.

[2] The Beatles' "White Album" was a great success and was sold millions of times