Is it der, die or das Zoo?

The correct article in German of Zoo is der. So it is der Zoo! (nominative case)
The word Zoo is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Zoo?
How does the declension of Zoo work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Zoo | die Zoos |
Genitive | des Zoos | der Zoos |
Dative | dem Zoo | den Zoos |
Akkusative | den Zoo | die Zoos |
What is the meaning of Zoo in German?
Zoo is defined as:
[1] a facility, an animal husbandry, which is mostly scientifically managed and which serves education, research, recreation and species protection. The general public also understands other animal husbandry such as larger game enclosures and collections of aviaries as such.
[1] eine Einrichtung, eine Tierhaltung, die meist wissenschaftlich geleitet ist und welche der Bildung, Forschung, Erholung und dem Artenschutz dient. In der breiten Öffentlichkeit werden aber auch andere Tierhaltungen wie größere Wildgehege und Volierensammlungen als solche verstanden.How to use Zoo in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Zoo with translations in English.
[1] Ich gehe heute mit meinen Kindern in den Zoo.
[1] Today I am going to the zoo with my children[1] „Stundenlanges Beobachten der Tiere im Zoo macht schließlich schwindlig.“[2]
[1] “After all, observing the animals in the zoo for hours makes you dizzy” [2][1] „Mit diesem Großvater ging man nicht in den Zoo oder in Eisdielen,wie es die Kinder in Deutschland taten.“[3]
[1] "You didn't go to the zoo or ice cream parlors with this grandfather like the children in Germany did ." [3][1] „Ich ließ mein Fahrrad am Zoo stehen, ohne es auch nur zu erwähnen.“[4]
[1] “I left my bike at the zoo without even mentioning it” [4]Pictures or photos of Zoo
![[1] Tiere im Zoo](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Rook_goat.jpg)