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Is it der, die or das Zins?



The correct article in German of Zins is der. So it is der Zins! (nominative case)

The word Zins is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Zins?

How does the declension of Zins work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Zins die Zinsen
Genitive des Zinses der Zinsen
Dative dem Zins den Zinsen
Akkusative den Zins die Zinsen

What is the meaning of Zins in German?

Zins has various definitions in German:

[1] Fee for the provision of capital

[1] Entgelt für die Überlassung von Kapital

[2] Fee for the provision of living space

[2] Entgelt für die Überlassung von Wohnraum

[3] obsolete: delivery to the landlord

[3] veraltet: Abgabe an den Grundherrn

How to use Zins in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Zins with translations in English.

[1] Zinsen werden einer Spareinlage meist am 30.12. eines Jahres gutgeschrieben.

[1] Interest is paid on a savings deposit usually on 30.12.

[1] „Wegen der günstigen Zinsen für Baukredite ist die Nachfrage nach Immobilien weiter hoch, vor allem in den Großstädten.“[2]

[1] "Because of the low interest rates for building loans, the demand for real estate is still high, especially in the big cities." [2]

[2] „An ihre Stelle traten drei Monate später Verkaufshütten, für welche der Magistrat Zins einhob.“[3]

[2] "They were replaced three months later by sales huts, for which the magistrate charged interest." [3]

[2] „Vielmehr ist der Zins für eine zu mietende Wohnung bei Bemessung des Unterhaltsbetrages in Anschlag zu bringen.“[4]

[2] "Rather, the interest for an apartment to be rented is to be included when calculating the maintenance amount ." [4]

[3] „Das Lokal verließen sie erst, als die Zecher das Lied von dem ‚lustigen Zigeunern‘ anstimmten, die dem Kaiser keinen Zins zu zahlen brauchen.“[5]

[3] "They only left the bar when the revelers started singing the song about the 'funny gypsies' who didn't have to pay the emperor any interest." [5]